is only one part of general business and information on this topic is prolific on the web and as real businesses it is usually quicker and less risk to initially open a conventional business.
However, the requirements for web businesses are the same as any other business.
Marketing Sales Plan Technical KnowledgeAs it is very easy to make a presence on the net it is of course very popular. This also leads to scams, dishonest dealings and a lack of integrity.
is full of get rich quick schemes and false promises the following paragraphs will outline the pitfalls of a few of the more popular money making schemes.
This system relies on people clicking advertisements and being paid for it, the payment is from .01 cent to 50 cents but the latter is very infrequent.
Sites such as these:
Pay, (sometimes), into an account such as (Please note, I am not endorsing the above sites, they are examples only.)
The failings of this system are:-
The amount of clicks available and the time taken to click means that the maximum earnings taking into account 2 clicks per minute would be four dollars per day for around 12 hours work.
Many of the sites do not pay, pay irregularly or pay less than advertised.
Many of these sites have a limited amount of items to click on daily, you would need to join hundreds of sites to make four dollars per day.
The sites often have tier systems where you can buy affiliates and a percentage of what they earn is put into your account. More often than not these “affiliates” are actually created “bots” in software and generally are poor performers.
The pay per click system is not the way to make money on the net unless you have several hundred affiliates under you and a very busy web site.
Score 1/10
Google adsense is a major player in the “make money online” world. It relies upon visitors to your site clicking on those little Google ads you see everywhere.
The key to making money with all of these systems is to have a web site with considerable traffic. A small percentage of your visitors will click on the ads, for which you will get paid.
This is not suitable for a start up as it can take years to gain enough traffic to your site to give a reasonable income. The cost of advertising via Adwords, (The other side of the Google coin), is generally more expensive than the receipts from Adsense.
There is a system that in theory at least, makes money using these two Google systems. It is called Arbitrage but Google and the similar system from Yahoo frown upon the practice and they are trying to stamp it out.
So the main problem is the time required to get free visitors from the search engines. Once submitted it can take months or years to reach a reasonable level of visitors on the Googles of the internet world.
Also the fact that earnings are only made on a small proportion of your visitors, the ones that click on the Adsense ads.
Score 3/10
Clickbank, is the leading affiliate program on the net for electronic books. There are many people making a living on Clickbank, although from the 100,000 active affiliates probably less than 1% are making a reasonable monthly profit from the affiliation.
You receive up to 75% of the sale price of the ebooks you sell, (less a small payment to Clickbank), and providing you either have a very large number of people to your site or use Adwords, the Google advertising system sales will be very poor.
A considerable amount of knowledge is required to be successful using the Clickbank system. One system I have found has the required information is the Commission Blueprint system. It has a lot of very good information and whilst expensive is probably has the best guide I have seen for making money on Clickbank. The free guides, (the first two videos), are generally given away free. Although they are of limited use as they mainly contain waffle.
Commission Blueprint
It is not a scam and the information contained in the course is excellent, but requires considerable involvement from the purchaser.
One other note on Clickbank – If you go to CBengine you can view everything that Clickbank has to offer. I would suggest that the majority of products are on the edge of being scams.
There are many books on how to be a millionaire within a few weeks. A plethora of get rich quick schemes, all playing to the emotions of people that can ill afford to buy a lot of the junk advertised.
Please be very careful in selecting these types of products, most of the time it is difficult to get an unbiased opinion from a user as nearly all the people reviewing and commenting on these Clickbank products are selling them as well.
Score 5/10
I use Amazon as an example as they are the leaders in their field. Amazon have a very well organized affiliate system and a very wide range of products. You as an affiliate simply send customers to their site from your site or Adwords ads. For this you get between 4 and 6% of the sales price.
In order to send visitors to the Amazon site you either have to have a web site that generates a lot of visitors or invest heavily in Google Adwords. Adwords can work out very expensive and as your profit is the difference between the cost of ads and the commission it doesn't’t leave much room for profit.
Many people have a successful with this system but have to be very skillful in the keywords they pick and the amounts they bid on these words to have them appear to the right people.
There is no “Get Rich Quick” business on the net any more any Intrapreneur needs the following to get into a profitable business:-
Traffic – a web site that attracts a considerable number of people.
Time – Enough time for the major search engines to find the site and elevate it to a position where traffic is considerable.
Knowledge – How to use Adwords profitably, how to build a good site and optimise it for the search engines.
Many of the items shown in the appendix do not involve the internet but they can be set up and in action much quicker than internet businesses. They generally have less risk as they can be quantified more easily than the Internet type business.
If after reading this chapter, you still want to have your own , then I can recommend the Site Builder System. It will give you the skills required step by step, with assistance all the way. It doesn't guarantee success, but there are more SBI clients in the top 1% of sites than any other system.
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