Monday, 13 September 2010

List of Entrepreneur Ideas

The following lists of Entrepreneur Ideas are generally none Internet Businesses.

If you want Internet business guidance follow this link if you want to set up a successful business on a web site.

If you want to start making money on the web then this is the place for more information.

Some of the following ideas require some type of skill to perform well, but also many of these skills can be learned or require very little knowledge. There are also references to companys dealing in kits and help for the different skills, although a search on the internet should find your local supplier.

Whilst these ideas are not dependent on internet, usage it would of course make the transactions and operation much easier. Internet business are everywhere on the web so I do not include any here.

Although the articles below contain addresses mostly based in the UK, a search on the net will result in similar companies in any most countries. The information here is not extensive, it is simply a list of possible ideas. It is likely you can modify or change the idea to better fit your experience and circumstances.

Should you wish to have a web presence follow this link for the best way to start however experienced you are, I can thoroughly recommend this system.

It depends on your location which of these ideas applies, something that may work in India may not be feasible in Europe or the USA, but I include these items as they may strike a chord with you.

The contains addresses and publications related to the UK and USA; whilst the contacts may be valid, the publications have equivalents in many countries.

The list is basically a brainstorm aid to cover as wider range of self employment opportunities as possible.

Please remember, some of the activities below are aimed at people living in some parts of Asia and areas where there is much less usage of the internet. In these places there are still very good opportunities for more manual systems and exploitation of your own P. C. and internet connection.

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